Create task
  • Hey Ari, create a task to meet with Sarah for lunch tomorrow
  • Hey Ari, add new task to do the slides for client presentations today at 2 pm
Edit task
  • Hey Ari, edit  a task
Delete task
  • Hey Ari, please delete my 4 pm meeting later from my schedule
Show tasks
  • Hey Ari, what are my tasks today?
  • Hey Ari, what do I have on my schedule for Thursday?
Show next task
  • Hey Ari, what's my next task?
Show previous task
  • Hey Ari, show my last task
Ask for the time
  • Hey Ari, what time is it?
Ask for the weather
  • Hey Ari, how's the weather in the Gold Coast right now?
Ask how TaskSpur works
  • Hey Ari, how do I track my progress?
  • Hey Ari, where can I download TaskSpur for desktop?