To archive a Goal, go to Goals section located at the menu bar and select the goal that you would like to archive. Click the menu in the upper right corner of that goal and select “Archive”. Click “Archive” to confirm. 

To un-archive a Goal, go to Archive beside Active under the Goals section.  Click the menu in the upper right corner of that goal and select “Unarchive”. Click “Unarchive” to confirm.

Archived Goals will not be automatically deleted. When you archive a goal, it will just stay in the Archive section for as long as you want. This process will give you an option in the future whether to delete the goal forever or unarchive it for some reason. 

Note that this action is only applicable to goals you've created and added and not to the four default goals in TaskSpur which are Funds, Personal Life, Self-care & Wellness, and Work & Career.