TaskSpur's intelligent assistant, Ari, is designed to make goal creation a seamless and hands-free experience. With its natural language processing capabilities, you can simply instruct Ari to create a goal for you, and it will guide you through the process with ease. 

To ask Ari to create a goal, follow these simple steps: 

  1. 1. Click on the Ari icon in the bottom right corner of your TaskSpur screen and select "Ask Ari." 

  1. 2. Through either the chat interface or by using voice dictation, tell Ari to create a goal for you. For example, you can say, "Ari, create a new Personal goal for me." You may also provide all the details in your prompt (for example "Please create a goal to Save 30K this year under Finances and set the deadline to November 31").

  1. 3. Ari will then ask you follow-up questions about the goal you want to create until all the necessary criteria are satisfied. Wait for Ari to confirm the goal creation.